
Microseal Protection

At Last – A Fabric Protector That Keeps Interiors as Good as New

If you are concerned that your interiors may suffer damage from spills, UV sun fading, or premature wear, MicroSeal is a completely safe and proven solution.

MicroSeal is so effective, that it continues to protect even after many professional cleanings. This is because MicroSeal penetrates the fibers, slowing down the wear and abrasion on carpets, rugs, and soft furnishings, extending their life by up to 60%.

MicroSeal Protection Provides:

Permanent Stain Resistance

Will survive many professional cleanings

Permanent Sun Fade Resistance

Nearly 100% on many fabrics and carpets

Permanent Wear Resistance

Seals All Fabrics/Carpets: Wools, cottons, silk, synthetics, suede, smooth leather

Fabric and Fiber Protection That Is Safe Enough For All Your Treasures

Your home’s carpeting, rugs, furniture, and textiles are important investments that say a lot about you and your lifestyle. You want to protect them. And you want them looking as perfect as the day you brought them into your home. We have the perfect solution.

Joey’s Carpet Care and MicroSeal specializes in the cleaning and protection for all textiles… exclusively licensed in Central Kentucky to apply MicroSeal — a non-toxic and non-allergenic fabric protection formula for permanent stain and sun fading protection.

Your home’s expensive textiles, fabrics and fibers will all benefit from this unique product. Initially developed by researchers in the United Kingdom to imitate the natural protection scientists found in sheep’s wool, it is, quite simply, the perfect protectant. 

  • Persian, Oriental, and contemporary Handmade rugs
  • Extends the life of valuable textiles
  • Fitted carpets, upholstered furniture, and soft furnishings
  • Protects and prevents staining and soiling from the start
  • Smooth leather and suede (i.e., shoes and handbags)
  • Natural and manmade fibers
  • Car, boat, and aircraft interiors
  • MicroSeal can withstand the harshest of environments and situations
  • Costumes (including wedding dresses and evening gowns)
  • Protection for personal items also
  • All silk, wool, cotton, natural and synthetic fabrics
  • Protection for all materials of a fibrous nature.

The Science of MicroSeal

YMicroSeal was specifically and expressly designed in England many years ago to permanently replenish the natural protective agent that a sheep produces for its own coat. In addition to wear and stain protection, MicroSeal provides substantial sun fade resistance for the wool.

Without MicroSeal, soil is naturally absorbed into the center of the wool fiber, hiding the dirt from the naked eye. Often consumers do not realize their rug is dirty because they can’t see it.

Unlike a typical fabric protector that only “coats” the fiber and then breaks up easily, MicroSeal penetrates the wool fiber to its inner cortex and protects it from the inside out. Not only from permanent stains and wear, but also from sun fade damage.

microseal diagram

The MicroSeal will not break up, wear off, or clean off and will continue to protect the fibers from permanent stains and sun fading for many years.

Still have questions? Read our FAQ’s, Contact Us online, or call (859) 223-8630.

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