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If you have an unexpected spot on your carpet, we want to share some basic spotting advice to help. This list covers some of the common spots we see, but if you have specific spotting questions or specialty fabrics you can always call our office for FREE advice.
With most all spots you’ll start with removing as much of the bulk spot as possible. Depending on the spot you may blot or scrape the excess up but always work from the outside in. Remember to test solutions in an inconspicuous place first. Below the list of spots, you’ll see the dilution instructions for the homemade solutions you’ll need for the spot removal.
Red Wine - Apply cold detergent solution and blot. If spot remains apply vinegar solution, blot. If stain remains still apply 3% Hydrogen Peroxide. Apply and allow to sit several minutes and blot dry. Repeat if necessary.
Pet Urine - Apply cold detergent solution and blot. If spot remains apply vinegar solution, blot. If stain remains still apply 3% Hydrogen Peroxide. Apply and allow to sit several minutes and blot dry. Repeat if necessary.
Pet Vomit - Apply cold detergent solution and blot. If stain remains still apply 3% Hydrogen Peroxide. Apply and allow to sit several minutes and blot dry. Repeat if necessary.
Blood - wear gloves, Apply ammonia and water solution and blot. Repeat as needed. Apply 3% Hydrogen peroxide solution if spot remains, allow to sit several minutes and blot dry. Repeat if necessary.
Ammonia Solution - Mix one (1) tablespoon of household ammonia per cup of water. Please note: Be aware that ammonia, if used improperly, can cause a color change. Be sure to test in an inconspicuous area.
Detergent solution - Mix one fourth (1/4) teaspoon of a liquid dish washing detergent to (1) cup of lukewarm water. NEVER USE A STRONGER CONCENTRATION! Thorough rinsing is necessary to remove detergent residues that may cause rapid soiling. It may be necessary to rinse with warm water several times to completely remove residues.
Vinegar solution - Mix 4 ounces white distilled vinegar to 12 ounces water.
A wet vac can be used to extract the excess spot and is also a helpful tool when rinsing spots. If a wet vac is unavailable, liquid spots should be absorbed with paper towels or a white terry cloth towel.
Dried spots can be broken up with the smooth edge of a plastic spoon.
Place several folded paper towels or a folded white Terry towel over the spot when finished. Cover with a sheet of plastic wrap and place some weight on top and allow to remain overnight. This will allow any remaining spot to wick into the towels.